Now this is some funny shit right here. Somebody hacked into a road construction sign in Texas and warned people of Nazi Zombies ahead. Now, at first I just thought this was some group of computer dorks or punk kids (probably a little of both), but on second look, it could be some half-assed attempt at a political jab at the people of Texas. That, or astute observation... Either way, good times...
Thanks Chris!
Oh, and here's some really awesome, in depth coverage, with shocking news about the aftermath of this heinous prank...! And yes, this was their TOP STORY.
I was going to post about the disgraceful actions of two news corporations who are refusing to report news because - gasp! - it might make them seem like they have an agenda, but I think pretty much anyone with even 1/4 of a brain can see right through that nonsense. But, just for me... FUCK YOU MURDOCH. And bbc, too.
Anyway, moving on to the point of this posting... What the hell is up with the Vatican this week? First, they call Obama "arrogant" (among other nasty comments) for lifting the ban of state funding for overseas abortions (because it's not arrogant at all to think that your religion is the only one, right religion, and that you should be allowed to tell the rest of the world how to live based on those beliefs, right?)
THEN, the Pope himself (yes, that creepy fucker who looks like what I imagine the devil's second cousin to look like) decides to rehabilitate a fucking Holocaust denier! I mean, I think the Israeli government is one of the most evil empires out there right now, but come on! That's just a little much, no?
So, here's what we've learned from the Vatican this week: it's okay to completely deny the systematic murder of millions upon millions of innocent people BASED ON THEIR RELIGION OR ETHNICITY, but underage rape victims getting abortions so that they can maybe, just maybe, have some semblance of a normal life is just NOT OKAY.
Thank god for Catholicism's strong moral fiber and invaluable ethical teachings.
Well, not me personally. And even if I did, I would never say "bang" as that's just gauche.
Anyway, the lovely ladies on this here blog have decided to air out their own bad decisions for all to see, and although this blog may just be a bunch of friends pulling a fast one on us, it's still pretty funny. And, if nothing else, seeing the mistakes of other just might make us all feel a little better about our own lapses in judgment.
And for those who would like a more interactive experience with the blog, they suggest sending in your own pictures and stories about the douchebags you've banged yourself. And if you don't have a picture, they'll post one for you (see above... Summer's Eve, how fitting!)
I'm a married woman nowadays, but back in my youth I could have posted a few to this blog myself. In fact... where's my box of old pictures...?
Update: the link is now inactive... guess they really were real guys on there...!
Today, Krispy Kreme donuts decided to give away a free donut of the customer's choosing to celebrate president Obama's inauguration (and also freedom, including freedom of choice). And, of course, the crazies had to find something they could protest about it... and here it is!
Now, if anybody was feeling like today was somehow a step forward for us, just click on that link above to be abruptly pulled back down to the sad reality of our nation. And then have a laugh about it, because what else can you do?
Thank you, crazies, for keeping my blog relevant and interesting. Without you I am nothing.
Okay, anyone, ANYONE, who grew up in the 90's knows every single note of this amazing intro song, and if say they don't it's only because they are embarrassed. By what, who knows (some people have a weird idea of what's cool...)
Has anyone seen this new awful show they are trying to pass off as the "new" 90210? It stinks for serious! I tried to watch a few minutes of it only to find myself trying to break my own TV just to get this poop off the screen. It made me long for the real show, with Brandon, Brenda, Kelly, Dylan... and those other ones too. Anyway, if you don't yet have a song stuck in your head for the day, have a peeksy at this greatness...
Seriously, this is pretty fucked up right here. A non-profit group that advocates for victims of sexual assault recently held a lottery to benefit their organization, and the person who took home the $500,000 prize is himself a convicted sex offender. After taxes, this sack of crap will take home around $350,000, while the organization itself will only profit between $2,000 and $20,000. Although the group could make a little more; the winner has said he may donate some of his money to the group... talk about irony.
To check out the sex offender (he's gross, seriously), click here.
As far as the economy goes, I'm pretty sure Japan and the US are holding hands right now, yet somehow, somewhere in Japan, someone thought it would be a good idea to open a store that rents quality time with your favorite pussy... or pooch. And they were right! Their business is booming! Genius!!
People who frequent the store (yes, they have regulars) often live alone and either don't have time for a pet or can't have one where they live. Instead, when they're feeling the need for a little lovin' they just come down to Ja La La Cat Cafe and pick out their favorite puss- sorry, already went there- kitties (for about $10 an hour). It's nothing weird, honest. But seriously, look at that creepy wanna-be cat lady! Who aspires to be a cat lady?!? And she's not even old enough to have given up on life yet!
Now why hasn't America caught on with this? Instead of killing millions of dogs and cats every year, we could just pimp them out for some extra cash! If I had to choose between getting the needle and a life of prostitution, you'd better believe I'd be selling my furry self right quick! Unfortunately, I don't think our culture is quite as, uh, "evolved" as the Japanese, so something like this likely wouldn't fly over here.
I know my blog hasn't been as fun as in the past, but lately there's been a lot of bad shit going on, and to ignore it is to ignore my civic duty and my duty as an honest, just person. So, yet again, on with the bad news and bullshit...
Oscar Grant, a 22 year old Bay Area resident, was brutally murdered by Johannes Mehserle, a 27 year old BART (bay area rapid transit) cop. Why do they even have guns, by the way? Clearly, as the video shows, they don't know when or how to use them and, like most cops, are too power hungry and immature to be trusted with firearms or the lives of anyone besides themselves.
I can't even begin to say how much this video upsets me, scares me, and just disillusions me beyond even my normally jaded self. If you choose to watch the video of this brutal murder, please be advised that it is pretty tough to take. This man was merely laying on the ground, possibly resisting handcuffs, but surely not posing any sort of real threat, yet this fucking cop decided to take his life anyway.
The obvious racism, classism, and power politics that take place everywhere are only magnified in cities like Oakland, where countless families who have lived in the area for generations are discriminated against and forced out (often violently) to make way for the new, gentrified version of Oakland, and in my opinion, this is just another example of that. See below. For more info or to find out what you can do to make sure "justice" is served, go here, here, and here.
If any of you haven't yet seen Flight of the Conchords, shame on you. Seriously, it is maybe the funniest show on TV right now. People everywhere talk about the "David Bowie" episode like it's some sort of life-changing mythical super-episode... and it is! As proof of just how high-larious these Kiwis are, take a look at their uber hot covers for Time Out magazine (which I will be ordering via Amazon in mere moments, if for nothing but these great covers). And if you haven't seen the show before, then the answer is no, they don't normally look like this... or maybe they do and, as dlisted says, they just hide it so we'll take their comedy seriously (how exactly do you take humor seriously?) Anyway, enjoy the photo, and go watch the show if you haven't already! Steal your neighbor's cable, pirate it off the internet... whatever you have to do! You'll thank me later, promise.
Well, I guess the possibility of killing a few terrorists makes it okay to fucking murder innocent children seeking refuge from harm. I understand that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and I understand that in Gaza they were voted into power, but they are not officially in power at this time, so to murder potentially hundreds of civilians by blowing up their schools and refuge camps (even those run by the fucking UN for fuck's sake!) is just completely EVIL and WRONG. And even if Hamas was in power, Bush is in power here, but how many of us are in favor of that? It's never okay to murder the innocent, and this is starting to look more and more like an attempt to further wipe out the Palestinians by Israel under the guise of protecting their own (five of which have died, four by their own hands - good job Israel!)
Read about it here. It's important that we all pay attention to this, and also to the way our government is dealing with it (like by blocking the UN's attempt to create another ceasefire). Fuck you, Bush. You dick.
President Obama (I know he's President-elect, but let me have it, okay? It's so close I can taste it!) has acknowledged just how f-ed up our economy is, and has unveiled at least a little of what he plans to do to fix it, or at least get the ball rolling. His plan includes tax cuts for anyone making less than $200,000 (because that's obviously middle class, right?) and for businesses who take on new workers and invest in new technology, as well as money for state and local governments to invest in jobs and infrastructure. While I think this plan could be the best feasible plan for the US, there have been some concerns raised that give me pause.
First, the idea that state and local governments have to invest the money they get within a certain period of time (a "use-it or lose-it," if you will) could potentially create willy nilly spending and short-term planning rather than carefully thought out investments. And honestly, the last thing we all need at this point is to throw money down the toilet on bad ideas. And if the money is not spent quickly (or rather, on things that create quick returns), then we're simply putting out money we don't have for long-term projects, when what we need is a solution NOW (not that that's even possible). Either way, this plan is not without it's problems, but either way, it's what we've got, and it's better than what we've had. For a more in depth (albeit only slightly so) and intelligent version of this post, check out the bbc article.
This video is amazing for so many reasons. If I was this awesome at 8 years old... wow. I would be pretty awesome now, that's for sure. Make sure to watch the whole video so you can hear the little guy tell Reagan just how he feels about him...
And sorry for the delay in posting. Between house guests (whom I love) and a shitty internet connection, plus the fact that I'm just a lazy person, one post a week is about all I can manage at the moment. But I'll try to be a little more diligent for the four of you who read this drivel...!
There comes a time in everyone's life where they realize they are BORED. To remedy this, some people go hiking, play bingo, knit, bowl, and the list goes on.