Jan 26, 2009

Dear Vatican: Why Not Punch a Handicapped Person While You're At It?

I was going to post about the disgraceful actions of two news corporations who are refusing to report news because - gasp! - it might make them seem like they have an agenda, but I think pretty much anyone with even 1/4 of a brain can see right through that nonsense. But, just for me... FUCK YOU MURDOCH. And bbc, too.

Anyway, moving on to the point of this posting... What the hell is up with the Vatican this week? First, they call Obama "arrogant" (among other nasty comments) for lifting the ban of state funding for overseas abortions (because it's not arrogant at all to think that your religion is the only one, right religion, and that you should be allowed to tell the rest of the world how to live based on those beliefs, right?)

THEN, the Pope himself (yes, that creepy fucker who looks like what I imagine the devil's second cousin to look like) decides to rehabilitate a fucking Holocaust denier! I mean, I think the Israeli government is one of the most evil empires out there right now, but come on! That's just a little much, no?

So, here's what we've learned from the Vatican this week: it's okay to completely deny the systematic murder of millions upon millions of innocent people BASED ON THEIR RELIGION OR ETHNICITY, but underage rape victims getting abortions so that they can maybe, just maybe, have some semblance of a normal life is just NOT OKAY.

Thank god for Catholicism's strong moral fiber and invaluable ethical teachings.

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