Jan 13, 2009

Rent a Pet: What Will They Think of Next???

As far as the economy goes, I'm pretty sure Japan and the US are holding hands right now, yet somehow, somewhere in Japan, someone thought it would be a good idea to open a store that rents quality time with your favorite pussy... or pooch. And they were right! Their business is booming! Genius!!

People who frequent the store (yes, they have regulars) often live alone and either don't have time for a pet or can't have one where they live. Instead, when they're feeling the need for a little lovin' they just come down to Ja La La Cat Cafe and pick out their favorite puss- sorry, already went there- kitties (for about $10 an hour). It's nothing weird, honest.
But seriously, look at that creepy wanna-be cat lady! Who aspires to be a cat lady?!? And she's not even old enough to have given up on life yet!

Now why hasn't America caught on with this? Instead of killing millions of dogs and cats every year, we could just pimp them out for some extra cash! If I had to choose between getting the needle and a life of prostitution, you'd better believe I'd be selling my furry self right quick! Unfortunately, I don't think our culture is quite as, uh, "evolved" as the Japanese, so something like this likely wouldn't fly over here.

For the whole sordid affair, click here.

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