Nov 28, 2008

Milk: Surprisingly, This One's for the Ladies

I have to say that while I’ve never been a big fan of Gus Van Sant films, I am really, really excited about seeing Milk. Although it’s been 30 years since his death, I think it's really important that his story is finally told to a mainstream audience, especially in the wake of Prop 8. (By the way, is it just me or do I keep bringing up Prop 8? I swear, I’m like Giuliani with 9/11, for shit’s sake!)

Anyway, as important as the issues raised in this film are (blah blah blah), what I’d really like to do is take a moment to thank the casting director for finally giving us ladies the male equivalent of lipstick lesbians. Whoever decided that James Franco and Sean Penn should wear tight tee shirts and grope each other for an hour and a half is all right by me. Not to mention Emile Hirsch (yes, Speedracer himself) and Josh Brolin. Although Brolin plays a murderous homophobe in the film, I just cannot deny him in those hot little 70’s leisure suits… nothing like light blue polyester bellbottoms and a tight vest…

As I said, I usually find Van Sant’s movies obvious and overly homoerotic (making the kids in Elephant gay was like a slap in the face to anyone with half a fucking brain), but in this case I’m hoping for as much unnecessary man on man action as possible.

While I would go see this movie regardless of the hotness factor of the actors involved, I’m just saying that the fact that all the men are especially hot makes it that much more fun for me to go. I’m sure the story will be poignant and well acted and Oscar worthy and all that, but for me, the eye candy alone makes this film worth my $10. And I'm sure many, many ladies (and men too, of course) share this sentiment with me.

Check out the clip above for the movie trailer, and below, in an attempt to make myself seem even slightly less shallow than this post suggests (too late) I’ve put a snippet of the recording Harvey Milk himself made in case he was ever assassinated. It’s pretty heavy how matter of fact he is about the prospect of his own death. Watch below:

1 comment:

  1. No, not like Giuliani. Prop 8 is an ongoing fight, and I don't see you using it to "spice up" your rhetoric to stir the pot of sensationalism and nationalism in an audience.
