Nov 22, 2008

We're (Not?) Number 1!

According to a report issued by the NIC, the United States will no longer be the Top World Power by 2025.

Let's see a show of hands from those who are surprised by this.

The report says, basically, that China and India (where do we outsource to again?) will become the economic leaders, while Western democratic capitalism will likely be replaced by something like the "state capitalism" practiced in Russia and China.

While I'm not totally comfortable with that prospect, what we've got going on with our "democratic capitalism" (is there really such a thing?) is not any better, and in reality we as a society are already sliding towards the kind of political powerlessness seen in both those countries.

I have to say I'm not exactly thrown by all this. I mean, it's a long time coming with the way our country has been run. With cuts in education, major outsourcing, and our society's overall gluttonous approach to goods consumption, can we really act surprised when the shit finally hits the fan? Recession anyone? Not to mention the way we throw our rights out the window every chance we get. Thanks prop 8!

Besides, the idea that capitalism and democracy can truly work in harmony is highly debated. Robert Reich has a fantastic article that you should all read about how capitalism is killing democracy. It talks about the ills of how both China and Russia are run, and how the United States is quickly falling into this system. (Don't be lazy; it's totally worth the read.)

Anyway, just an interesting article I read that I thought would be something good to share. Now let's all jump ship and move to Canada, eh!

Click here to read the NPR article about all this madness.


  1. mmm...not being a super-power...that sounds humbling and nice. kind of like being a nun, only in more comfortable clothing.
    good bloggerelly lady.

  2. Hail to the end of the Empire!!

    I was also really pleased today that Obama is so critical of the Bush admin's bailout to the big three auto makers. I hope that his administration follows through with their proposed plans to help homeowners (rather than lenders) who are affected by foreclosures.

    Here is a fantastic interview from Fresh Air that chronicles the downfall of Wall Street:

    I also have been having the urge to reread "The Great Gatsby" at the end of this gilded age.
