Dec 3, 2008

Sorry Aretha; Tina's the Queen

Okay, seriously, if this photo doesn't secure Ms. Turner's place as the Queen of Soul, then I don't know what could. Forget the fact that she's still got the legs of a 20 year old and quite possibly the dopest wig/shimmery leotard combo ever. All that shit's got nothing on the dark chocolate Thor/Conanesque bodyguard towering over her. That man is huge! Seriously, his thighs are like the size of her waist. Not to mention his fantastic getup. He looks like a gay member of the Roman army or something. Rad.

This photo was taken about a week or so ago, during her "69 and Oh So Fine" tour. She came out in this amazing costume to sing "We don't need another hero". Which may be true if that magnificent man is supposed to be the hero. I bet after the show Tina showed this sex prop the real meaning behind "69 and Oh So Fine"...

Maybe after she's done with Thor, Tina will in fact need another hero, and if so, might I suggest:

(I got this image after typing something like "hairy cock" into the search engine...  which totally makes sense. Duh.)

1 comment:

  1. dude, 69 and oh so fine.

    that's the best tour ever.
