Apr 4, 2009

Introducing: The New Freddie Krueger!

This man looks pretty creepy, so he might just be able to save yet another potentially awful remake of what I consider to be a classic film.

Nightmare on Elm Street litterally scared the piss out of me as a child, so when I heard they were remaking it I was a bit torn. Part of me was freaked out because I'm still (legitimately) afraid of Freddie, and another part of me was excited because if the movie sucks ass, maybe I'll be able to get over my insane fear of that burnt up psycho. I wasn't really sure how to feel...

But now: Rorschach himself is going to play Freddie, and that scares me! This actor (Jackie Earle Haley) played not only Rorschach in Watchmen (which I haven't seen but I heard he was perfect) he also played the Mr. Molester in Little Children. Okay, that wasn't his name, but it should have been! Fucking CREEP!

And now he's here to haunt me, 22 years after I saw Nightmare on Elm Street for the first time. After all these years of thinking and hoping I was over the nightmare, they're going to fucking scare me again.

Well fuck you, Freddie. Bring it! Not really. I'll never go see this film. MARK MY WORDS.

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