Apr 29, 2009

Man Gunned Down by Killer Robot!!

It's not as scary as you think, but it is pretty funny, in a darkly hilarious way...

An 81 year old man was sick and tired of his family bugging him to move into an assisted living facility, so he BUILT A FUCKING ROBOT TO KILL HIMSELF WITH.

Fox News, being the honest, non-sensationalistic news station they are, gave their version of the story the lovely title you see above. Which is totally hilarious!!

What I don't understand is why, at 81 years old, would you kill yourself? It's a little late, don't you think? And even if you decide to kill yourself, why would you go to the trouble of building a fucking robot to do it? I mean, besides the obvious answer that it's a fucking dope way to go...!

Anyway, here's the link if you want to read about this insanity...

And no, I can't find the directions for the robot! If anyone does, send them my way... I'm dying (no pun intended) to know how that shit works!

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