Apr 16, 2009

This is... Awkward.

Here's another posting about the lovely caterpillar browed Susan Boyle, who looks like a man, but sings like an angel... sorry, I call them like I see them.

You can watch the original video in the posting below (two posts down I believe) but basically this woman has lived with her mother until she died, has never been kissed, and is just really weird and kind of sad. Or at least that's how the media portrays her. People always love a sob story, right?

She recently went on Britain's Got Talent to show off her skills, and you could just tell the judges were waiting to tear her apart (because, obviously, if she's ugly or fat she won't be able to sing... only skinny, beautiful people are talented. DUH, people). Then she belted out a song from Les Miz, and she was just like an angel.

Anyway, here's an extremely uncomfortable interview with Susan from the Today Show or some other shit show on in the morning. I have to admit, she's a weird, weird woman, but again I feel as though they are talking to her like an idiot because of how she looks... because again, ugly people are also either totally diabolical or totally moronic... duh.

Regardless of our media's transparent biases, the interview is worth a look... as is the video below. Although I would like to point out that if she was young or pretty, nobody would give two shits that she can sing like that. Just sayin'.

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