Mar 2, 2009

HBO's Black List: It's Not What You Think

HBO has come out with a new documentary, and it looks really, really good. It's called the Black List, and it features some very prominent African Americans in our culture today talking about their lives, their experiences, and, of course, their race (or how they identify with it, or in some cases, how they don't).

I could post about it myself, or I could go the easy way and point you all to Jezebel for the full report as written by someone far more articulate than myself.

I will say this, though: if you are into Angela Davis, Maya Rudolph, Kara Walker, etc... then check this shit out! It looks pretty good. I can't wait for it to get posted to the internet so I can watch it... stolen cable. Fantastic!!

Oh, and here's HBO's site for it... who says TV can't be good for you?

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