Mar 6, 2009

Sorry, Rush

Ha! This shit is snarky and shitty and funny! Let's all do what the Republicans do whenever they upset Rush Limbaugh and apologize to the glorious man! Here's a little background so you know what I'm talking about:

Michael Steele became the chair of the Republican National Committee just a month or so ago. Then Limbaugh's disgusting hate-mongering ass took the spotlight away from him for a second, so Steele, being the grown up that he is, had to say something nasty about Limbaugh (don't you just love the way Republicans think?) He called Limbaugh an "entertainer" and said that he, not Limbaugh, was the de facto leader of the Republican party. Then he had to go and apologize to that fat nasty turd so mornoic Republicans everywhere wouldn't have sex with their cousins in protest, or whatever backwoods middle of the country republicans do in protest.

Apparently he's the second (or possibly third?) asshole who's had to apologize to Major Asshole recently, so now the Democratic assholes on the other side have made a mock lettere that we can send to Rush himself! So here's the link: Sorry, Cockface

Go for and mock the republicans!! Kick them while they're down... you know they deserve it!!

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