Feb 18, 2009

Kevin McCullough = the Male Ann Coulter

So this uber douche, Kevin McCullough, has decided that it is somehow appropriate to compare the new stimulus plan with sexual assault. That's right. Somehow this asshole thinks of getting taxes as pretty much the same thing as getting raped. He uses some fucked up RPG rape game on Amazon called "Rapelay" as his basis for comparison. Let's take a look at some of his more 'interesting' blog quotes:

In the game Rapelay, reviewers have stated that the player must first sexually assault a mother character and her two daughters before being allowed to then "pick" their next series of victims.

In the Congress of Washington DC liberals have seen to it that our mothers and daughters will have less money in the home budget working for their protection and welfare.

Wow. Could he be more right on? I mean, paying taxes for things like roads, running water, streetlights, etc. is EXACTLY like being stripped of your power, dignity, and sexuality. My favorite part about his quote is twofold, actually. First, I love that he only sees rape in terms of 'his' women. HIS mother. HIS daughters. Second, I love the implicit family roles within this quote. The mothers and daughters get stuck with the 'home budget'. But I guess we need it in order to be 'protected' (maybe from all those tax hiking rapist liberals out there?)

In the game Rapelay the reviews indicate that the rapist can even convince one of the animated computer characters that they like what's happening to them.

In Washington DC liberals in Congress sent their lapdog "Mr. President" out to the masses to do the same thing.

Now he's getting both sexist and racist. Obama the lapdog! How many boxes of Obama Waffles do you think this guy owns? And again, how can he seriously equate paying taxes with a video game that simulates rape? I'm pretty sure being 'robbed' (ie paying for government services) is a whole lot better than being raped, but maybe that's just me. But I can tell you a few 'funny' stories about being robbed... have you ever heard a funny anecdote about rape? Me neither.

I just love his simultaneously 'protective' and yet very patronizing and sexist view of women. According to dickbag, these same liberals with no morals see little difference between nominating administration members who will not prosecute those harmful persons that create elements that lead to sexual assault on innocent girls, nor the physical equivalent of doing the same thing to your pocketbook...

Because, again: us 'innocent girls' are worth about as much as what this jackass has in his pocketbook. Fucking idiot. And we could start talking about freedom of speech and RPG rape games, but I won't even get into that... it sucks, but it's free speech, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

He goes on to make a few more misogynistic bullshit comments about things he could never possibly really have any idea about, but I won't get into them as you get the point and really, this guy's had enough attention for one day (or one lifetime in my opinion). Suffice it to say that for all his posturing as a would-be feminist, this guys has about as much respect for women as 'Rapelay' and maybe less.

As long as men like this continue to spread this absolute filth into our society, is it possible women's sexuality will ever be seen as anything but a commodity in the mainstream? Hmm...

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