Feb 26, 2009

Why Would They Do This To Falcor???

They are going to fuck with a masterpiece and there's NOTHING (haha, neverending story joke already!) we can do about it! FUCK!

Warner Bros. blasphemous asses are going to ruin a classic and remake The Neverending Story. WTF?? Seriously, why can't they just quit while they're ahead? Didn't they learn anything from The Neverending Story II (although it did star Jonathan Brandis, god rest his teen heart-throb soul), or how about the direct to video Neverending Story III? Give it a rest, people!

And you know they're going to fuck with Falcor. His sweet, slow electronic eyes and jerky hinged mouth will soon be replaced with CGI bullshit that will probably make him into some glittery dickbag flying dog with lame one liners... god I hate Hollywood!

In protest, let's all stop using our imaginations, then maybe this piece of turd will be swallowed up into The Nothing and we won't have to endure this madness...!

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