Feb 27, 2009

Snuggie vs Slanket: Which Lame Product Will Assholes Buy More Of?

The New York Times must have their heads up their asses if they have time to be writing about shit like product wars between two companies selling sleeved blankets. I, on the other hand, find this topic to be perfectly suitable for my blog (2nd grade reading level, y'all!)

So apparently every obese shut-in, cult member, and wanna-be wizard in the world are buying these ridiculous sleeved blankets so that when it's cold they can still use the remote to change the channel without having to take their blanket off (I'm sorry, what? Are they disabled? I know people are lazy and stupid, but seriously??)

Cocky Jerk Jay Leno asks, "why not just put your robe on backwards?" Because, dumbass, robes are meant to be worn face foward - you can't go bucking the system like that! DUH. And besides, my robe doesn't make me look nearly as cool and wizard-like as this shit!

This product is especially good if you're trying to be celibate, because nobody will want to fuck your crazy, puffy ass when you wear this thing. Which I guess fits the shut-in, cult member, and wanna-be wizard lifestyle pretty well...

Below I've put the actual Snuggie commercial that has helped them sell over 4 million of these things since October (god help us all).

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