Feb 28, 2009

Kids, Birds, Whatever

Three morons were just caught in Louisiana for trying to trade two children for a cockatoo and $175. Apparently a couple were selling the bird for $1500, and the classy lady who wanted the bird couldn't afford the asking price, so instead she offered the children of one of her relatives who is currently on the lam somewhere.

Seriously, this is some back woods shit right here.

The couple selling the bird (the Romeros) not only traded the bird for the kids, they also paid the woman $175 for them! This may sound insensitive, but I think the bird owners got ripped off. They gave up their bird and $175 for two kids? That's not a good business move, guys. And what the hell suddenly possessed them to buy two children? They were trying to get rid of a bird! How does that leap of logic happen?

I just don't understand this shit. This is too twisted even for me (and that's saying something). The two kids are now in a foster home and the three stooges involved in this mess are in jail where they belong (it's either there or a mental hospital)...

And can I just point out how scary all three of these people look? Can you believe any of them are allowed to even be near children? They all look like serial killers! Seriously, I swear I've seen them on a Fox News Most Wanted list or some shit. Seriously.

Check out the smoking gun for the whole story...

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